Welcome to MyBigCharm.com. Please read the Terms of Use carefully before using the website.

Terms and Conditions/Terms of Use

This is a legal agreement between you and MyBigCharm.com. It sets out the general terms and conditions of your use of the MyBigCharm.com website, and any related products and services. By using these services, you agree to be bound by this agreement. The agreement is legally binding and applies to all users.

By using the MyBigCharm.com website and any related products and services, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. This agreement is legally binding and applies to all users. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you may stop using the services immediately.

This statement means that you agree to follow the rules of MyBigCharm.com when you use their services. Even though you didn’t sign a physical paper, you are still bound by the rules of this agreement because it is an electronic contract between you and MyBigCharm.com. It is important to follow these rules because they are legally binding and you have to follow them.


MyBigCharm.com will make every effort to maintain the smooth operation of its services. However, there may be occasions when the services experience downtime. In such instances, MyBigCharm.com is not liable for any inconvenience caused. MyBigCharm.com also reserves the right to block access to its services in the event of a user violating any of the terms and conditions or when specific trigger events occur.


If you submit any comments, reviews, or submissions on MyBigCharm.com, they will be viewable by the public. Only authentic purchasers are permitted to submit reviews and submissions, and they must adhere to the terms outlined in this agreement, which includes refraining from using profanity. MyBigCharm.com retains the right to remove any comments, reviews, or submissions that contravene any laws, the terms of this agreement, or infringe upon the rights of others.

Accounts and membership

To use the Services, you must be at least 18 years old. If you are under 18 years of age, you should stop using this website or application immediately. By using the Services and agreeing to this Agreement, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old. If you create an account on the Services, you are responsible for keeping your account secure and for all activities that occur under your account. We may monitor and review new accounts before you can sign in and start using the Services. If you notice any unauthorized use of your account or any other security breaches, please notify us immediately. We will not be responsible for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages incurred as a result of such acts or omissions. If we determine that you have violated any provision of this Agreement or that your conduct or content would tend to damage our reputation and goodwill, we may suspend, disable, or delete your account (or any part thereof).

User content

When you submit any data, information or material (collectively, “Content”) on the Services, you retain ownership of it. You are solely responsible for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use of all submitted Content. We may monitor and review the Content on the Services submitted or created using our Services by you. You grant us permission to access, copy, distribute, store, transmit, reformat, display and perform the Content of your user account solely as required for the purpose of providing the Services to you. We have the right to refuse or remove any Content that violates any of our policies or is in any way harmful or objectionable, but we are not obligated to do so. You also grant us the license to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish or distribute the Content to a third-party created by you or stored in your user account for commercial, marketing or any similar purpose.


We routinely create backups of the website and its content for our internal use. Please be aware that these copies are solely intended for our organizational requirements and are not guaranteed in any manner. It remains your responsibility to maintain your own copies of your information. If, for any reason, our backup copies fail, we do not provide compensation for lost or incomplete data.

Prohibited uses

Apart from the terms mentioned in the Agreement, there are certain actions you cannot do when using the Services or Content:
(a) You can’t use the Services for illegal activities.
(b) You can’t encourage or involve others in illegal activities.
(c) You must comply with all local, national, and international laws and regulations.
(d) Don’t violate our intellectual property rights or the rights of others.
(e) Don’t use the Services to harm, insult, or discriminate against others.
(f) Don’t share false or misleading information.
(g) Don’t upload viruses or malware that could disrupt the Services or the Internet.
(h) Avoid using the Services for inappropriate purposes.
(i) Don’t try to bypass security features.
(j) Don’t misuse any benefits or facilities we provide. If you break these rules, we can terminate your use of the Services, and you’ll be responsible for any resulting liability.

Objectionable content

Any user of MyBigCharm.com can report inappropriate, violating, or counterfeit content to our Help Desk. Once we receive such reports, we will promptly remove the reported content.

Product Description

“MyBigCharm.com cannot guarantee the accuracy of the product descriptions or other content on this website and accepts no responsibility in this matter.”


The rights and rules outlined in this Agreement can be utilized and are valid as long as they do not violate any laws. They are intentionally crafted to be restrictive enough to prevent this Agreement from becoming unlawful or unenforceable. In the event that a court determines that a portion of this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement remains in force, and the parties intend for it to reflect their agreement on the subject. The remaining parts of the Agreement will continue to be fully effective.

MyBigCharm.com has the authority to update these terms for using the Services at any time. It is your responsibility to consistently review these Terms and Conditions for any updates. If you do not agree with any updated version of this agreement, you may discontinue using the Service immediately. The continued use of the Services following any such changes signifies your agreement to them.Changes and amendments

Acceptance of these terms

By accessing or using the Services, you agree to be bound by these terms of use. These terms of use constitute an electronic record under Rule 3 of the Electronic Transaction Rules, 2064. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms of use, you are not authorized to access or use the Services.

Contacting us

You can contact us through the contact form on our website or by emailing us at Info@mybigcharm.com

When you use our website or send us emails or other data, information, or communication, you agree and understand that you are communicating with us electronically and that you consent to receive electronic communications from us periodically and as needed. We may communicate with you by email or by other means of communication, electronic or otherwise.

Website Disclaimer

The information provided on the MyBigCharm.com website is for general informational purposes only. MyBigCharm.com does not make any warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information. MyBigCharm.com shall not be held responsible for any losses or damages resulting from the use of the website or reliance on the information provided. Your use of the website and the information is at your own risk.