Our clients have the option to return a product until they are satisfied with it. Our customers are required to fill out an Acceptance Form immediately after assembly. If consumers are dissatisfied with our product, they may request a refund by calling Customer Service and indicating so on the Acceptance Form. After that, the assembler will repack the goods and get it ready for our Logistics Provider to pick it up. We do not accept returns on made-to-order customized furniture.

What is your return policy?

We recognize that you may need to return items occasionally. Please return our products to their original packing as soon as possible after making your decision. Once a piece of furniture has been accepted by signing our Acceptance Form, it cannot be returned. Make sure you have all of the tags, accessories, promotional items, and warranty cards that arrived with your order. We will issue a refund after we get the package with all of its components intact. Please send us an email with photos of your reasons and the package when it is ready to be returned.

What is your cancellation policy?

You can cancel your entire order or a portion of it on the https://luxaryhq.com/ website as long as you do so before it is processed. You can wait for it to arrive and then deny delivery if it has already been despatched. Please keep in mind that you can also cancel purchases made during a sale. After we’ve completed processing your order cancellation, your refund will be credited to your card, bank account, or wallet. Charges for processing/transportation may be deducted.

Will you accept a return if the outside packing has been thrown away?

To process a return through our reverse delivery partner, we do require outer packing. Before delivering the returned items to our courier partner, please package and box them as they were received. In these situations, we do levy a damage fee.

Is it possible to return a portion of a promotional purchase if the discount was calculated based on the overall cost of my purchase?

Send an email to our Customer Service if you want to refund a part of a purchase.

Please keep in mind that you may only submit an online return request if you are returning the full order. We’ll refund your credit card, bank account, or PayPal account once we’ve received all of your merchandise.

What if I want to return a www.devalko.com voucher-enabled order?

Your www.devalko.com voucher will be canceled whether you return your order partially or completely. However, you will be refunded for your return. The amount of your coupon will be deducted from your refund if you have previously used it.

Is free shipping still available if I return a portion of my order?

Yes, you certainly will.

Is it possible to swap my purchase for anything else?

No, but you can immediately use your refund to purchase a new product.

@ Here’s how it works if you return your things via an online return request or by calling us for a return pick-up:

We’ll get your products and complete a quality check in 4-5 business days. The reimbursement will be approved in two business days. The transaction may take another 2 to 7 business days to be processed by your bank or credit card

8. I used Wallets to pay for my order. What is the procedure for processing my refund?

Here’s how it works if you return your things via an online return request or by calling us for a return pick-up:

We’ll get your products and complete a quality check in 4-5 business days.
We’ll then approve the refund in two business days.

9. I used a debit or credit card to pay for an order, but I’d like to return a portion of it. What is the procedure for processing my refund?

The portion of your payment will be reimbursed to your debit or credit card, bank account, or wallet, as applicable.

10. How is my refund computed if I used a discount code to place my order?

After deducting the proportionate value of the discount applied using the promo code on the product you’re returning or cancelling, your refund will be provided. This means you’ll receive the exact amount you spent for the item you’re returning.

What should I do if you deliver a damaged or defective product?

There is no need to be concerned. Please contact our Customer Support staff through email at vs@luxaryhq.com within 24 hours of delivery to report any defective or damaged merchandise. You must include photographs of the product with the damage or defect clearly highlighted.

I’d want to ask you a few more questions concerning returns and refunds. Who should I contact?

Our Customer Support team is available to assist you. Please contact us at 9818512221, +9188-6006-12227 or send an email to vs@luxaryhq.com

What happens if I’m not home when my order is delivered?

When it comes to home items, after our delivery partner receives your order, they will deliver it right to your door. If you are not available when they arrive, they will try again, according to their terms and conditions.

If you are unable to receive your furniture order on the specified delivery date, you will be charged for the later delivery as per our Delivery Partners’ Terms and Conditions.